
Monday, February 1, 2016

Measuring Spoons: Why Stainless Steel Is So Much Better

Stainless steel measuring spoons are so much better than plastic ones. For one, they are more solid and wash out easily. Plus, if I need to use them for soap making purposes, they will definitely withstand the lye. I can actually use these spoons to scoop up Mica colors to add to my soap and don't have to worry that the dye will discolor the spoons. For that I am truly grateful.

However, when I received these KUPO measuring cups and spoons to test out, I was truly impressed because they have the measurements for each cup and spoon engraved directly into the stainless steel in both regular metric and mL. For me, that was the best bonus, because every single measuring spoon and cup that I have previously purchased has always had the measurements in some type of ink that eventually disappeared. Once that happened, I would have to guess, which one was correct for the amount needed.

Although, I was provided these measuring cups and spoons at a discount rate for me to review, I have to say that I would have purchased them anyway. They are extremely well constructed and even the colored grip handle doesn't appear as if it will slip off.

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